Thursday, December 9, 2010

scatterd data forms


For this blog I made a form and i sent it out to my peers. The form was composed of 2 questions 3 including your name. The first question was how many phones are in your house, including cell phones. The second question was how many pictures are in your house.(don't dig in boxes for them.) on my graph I got positive correlation.Y=35X+41 is my line of best fit.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Lets go shopping shopping Spreadsheet

1st Trimester Reflections

1. turning in my homework on time.
2. I wish i did better on my tests
3. Algebra has been a challenge for me. mixture problems and solving formulas
4. I have mastered discounts and taxes
5. 1st goal is a higher grade than a C. I will accomplish this goal by turning in my homework, and doing my corrections. 2nd goal is doing corrections. I will complete this goal by reminding myself

Service Learning and Math

1. The social issue that my koninia does for service learning is that we go to CDC (Child devlopment center) up the street from the old afro american center.
2. We visit 4 year olds and teach them rules.
3. Math relates to our service learning, because we teach them math with blocks and how to count

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

chapter 4 vocab

Chapter 4 vocab

Coordinate Plane: The plane containing the X and Y axes

Dilation: A transformation in which a figure is enlarged or reduced

Function: A relation in which each element of the domain is paired with exactly one element of range

Function Notation: A way to name a function that is defined by an equation

Mapping: Illustrates how each element of the domain is paired with an element

Quadrant: The four regions into which the X and Y axes separate the coordinate planes

Reflection: A type of transformation in which a figure is flipped over a line

Rotation: A type of transformation in which a figure is turned around a point

Translation: A transformation in which a figure is slid in any direction

Vertical line test: If any verticlevertical line passes through no more than one point of the graph of a relation then the relation is a function

Friday, August 27, 2010

We used google docs. for homework. The value is that more than one person can see it google docs. you can share it with other people.
twiducate is a educational twitter. I posted somthing about me and posted a math realted link from youtube.
I used Build your wild I would recommend this site if they like animals.